Bible Code - America - Decendants of Ephraim

Is America "Ephraim" in Bible Prophecy?


AMERICA (red letters on yellow)
The Hebrew transliteration for "America" (aleph-mem-resh-yod-koph-hey) is found in the matrix at an ELS of 233, beginning in Genesis 48:1 and ending in Genesis 48:20. This passage of Scripture deals with Israel's adoption of Joseph's son, Ephraim, as his own.

USA(white letters on blue)
The Hebrew acronym for "USA" (aleph-resh-hey-beth) is found in the matrix running through "America" at an ELS of -74. It is found beginning in Genesis 48:17 and ending in Genesis 48:14.

1776 A.D. (white letters on dark blue)
The Hebrew year 5536 (tav-koph-lamed-vav), which corresponds to 1776 A.D., is found in the matrix running diagonally at the bottom right of "America" at an ELS of -75. It begins in Genesis 49:1 and ends in Genesis 48:20. The nation of America was founded on July 4, 1776.

EPHRAIM (yellow letters on purple)
The Hebrew name "Ephraim" (aleph-pey-resh-yod-mem) is found in the matrix running through the word "America." It is at an ELS of 1 in Genesis 48:17.

JOSEPH (white letters on brown)
The Hebrew name "Joseph" (yod-vav-samek-pey) is found in the matrix at an ELS of 1 in Genesis 48:1. Joseph was the father of Ephraim, who was adopted by Israel.

JACOB (red letters on white)
The Hebrew name "Jacob" (yod-ayin-koph-beth) appears at the bottom of the matrix at an ELS of 1 in Genesis 49:1. Jacob's name was changed by God to "Israel"(Gen. 32:28).

ISRAEL (black letters on orange)
The Hebrew name "Israel" (yod-shin-resh-aleph-lamed) is found in the matrix at an ELS of 1 in Genesis 48:13. The beginning yod in "Israel" is shared with "America."

BLESSING (white letters on green)
The Hebrew word for "blessing" (beth-resh-kaph-hey) is found on the left of the matrix running diagonally. It is at an ELS of 230, beginning in Genesis 48:7 and ending in Genesis 48:19. Israel blessed both Ephraim and his brother Manasseh when he adopted them (Gen. 48:20).

FIRSTBORN (light blue letters on black)
The Hebrew word for "firstborn" (beth-kaph-vav-resh) is found at an ELS of 1 in Exodus 48:14. Although Manasseh was Joseph's firstborn, Israel blessed Ephraim as if he were the firstborn son (Gen. 48:14). Additionally, God calls Ephraim His firstborn (Jer. 31:9).

RIGHT HAND (white letters on purple)
The Hebrew word for "right hand" (yod-mem-yod-nun) is found at an ELS of 1 in Genesis 48:13. Israel blessed Ephraim with his right hand, giving him the blessing of the firstborn.

MULTITUDE OF NATIONS (black letters on pink)
The Hebrew phrase "multitude of nations" (mem-lamed-aleph hey-gimel-vav-yod-mem) is found on the right bottom of the matrix at an ELS of 1 in Genesis 48:19. After Israel blessed Ephraim, he prophesied that his descendants would become a multitude of nations, or peoples (Gen. 48:19). The United States of America are 50 separate states ("nations") bound together by the federal government.

CALF, BULLOCK (black letters on light green)
The Hebrew word for "calf" or "bullock" (ayin-gimel-lamed) is found at an ELS of 79. It begins in Genesis 48:15 and ends in Genesis 48:17. Ephraim is pictured as a calf or a young bull in Jeremiah 31:18.

OX, BULL (white letters on gray)
The Hebrew word for "ox" or "bull" (shin-vav-resh) is found in the matrix at an ELS of -81. It begins in Genesis 48:17 and ends in Genesis 48:15. Ephraim is described as an ox or bull by Moses in his final blessing (Deu. 33:17).

EGYPT (purple letters on light blue)
The Hebrew word for "Egypt" (mem-tsadi-resh-yod-mem) is found at an ELS of 1 in Genesis 48:5. Ephraim was born in Egypt (Gen. 48:5), and in prophecy Ephraim is said to go back into Egypt (Hos. 7:11; 9:3; 12:1).

ASSYRIA (white letters on purple)
The Hebrew word for "Assyria" (aleph-shin-vav-resh) is found at an ELS of 234. It begins in Genesis 48:9 and ends in Genesis 48:20. The prophet Hosea speaks of Ephraim going into Assyria (Hos. 7:11; 8:9; 9:3; 10:6).

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