Bible Code - Yasser Arafat, PLO

Yasser Arafat in the Bible Codes

Yasser Arafat

YASSER (red letters on white)
The name "Yasser" in Hebrew (yod-aleph-samek-resh) is found in the Torah at an ELS of 2 in Exodus 32:32.

ARAFAT (pink letters on white)
The name "Arafat" in Hebrew (ayin-resh-pey-aleph-tav) is encoded at an ELS of 1 in Exodus 33:3. This is the minimum ELS for "Arafat" in the Torah.

PLO (blue letters on white)
The Hebrew acronym for the Palestine Liberation Organization, "PLO" (aleph-shin-pey) is found in the matrix at an ELS of 6, beginning in Exodus 33:1 and ending in Exodus 33:2. Yasser Arafat has headed the PLO since 1969.

CHIEF (maroon letters on yellow)
The Hebrew word for "chief" (aleph-lamed-vav-pey) appears in the matrix at an ELS of -336, beginning in Exodus 33:5 and ending in Exodus 32:22.

TERRORIST (white letters on dark blue)
The Hebrew word for "terrorist" (mem-cheth-bet-lamed) is found at an ELS of 265. It begins in Exodus 32:32 and ends in Exodus 33:11.

ENEMY (yellow letters on light green)
The Hebrew word for "enemy" (aleph-vav-yod-beth) is found at an ELS of 84. It begins in Exodus 32:27 and ends in Exodus 32:31. The beginning aleph in "enemy" is shared with the word "Israel."

ISRAEL (white letters on purple)
The Hebrew name "Israel" (yod-shin-resh-aleph-lamed) is found at an ELS of 1 in Exodus 32:27. The aleph in "Israel" is also the beginning letter of "enemy."

GAZA (white letters on gray)
The Hebrew name for "Gaza" (ayin-zayin-hey) is found in the matrix at an ELS of 4 in Exodus 33:1. Arafat's Palestinian National Authority government is headquartered in this city.

JERICHO (black letters on light blue)
The Hebrew name for "Jericho" (yod-resh-cheth-vav) is found in the matrix at an ELS of -80. It begins in Exodus 32:22 and ends in Exodus 32:18. This West Bank city is controlled by the Palestinians.

18 AV (white letters on black)
Yasser Arafat was born on 18 Av, 5689, on the Jewish calendar (August 24, 1929, on the Roman calendar). The date "18 Av" (yod-cheth-aleph-beth) is found in the matrix just above the name "Yasser" at an ELS of -1 in Exodus 32:29.

5689 (yellow letters on black)
Yasser Arafat was born on 18 Av, 5689, on the Jewish calendar (August 24, 1929, on the Roman calender). The Jewish year "5689" (tav-resh-pey-teth) is found at an ELS of 96 in the matrix running through the name "Arafat" and using a common resh. It begins in Exodus 33:1 and ends in Exodus 33:7.

CAIRO (black letters on orange)
Yasser Arafat was born on 18 Av, 5689, in Cairo, Egypt. "Cairo" (koph-hey-yod-resh) is found at an ELS of 76 in the matrix running between "Yasser" and "Arafat." It begins in Exodus 32:34 and ends in Exodus 33:3.

EGYPT (white letters on dark green)
Yasser Arafat was born on 18 Av, 5689, in Cairo, Egypt. "Egypt" (mem-tsaddi-resh-yod-mem) is found at an ELS of 1 in the matrix in Exodus 32:23.

WAR (white letters on red)
The Hebrew word for "war" (mem-lamed-cheth-mem-hey) is found in the matrix twice: once at an ELS of 1 in Exodus 32:17, and again at an ELS of -87, beginning in Exodus 32:30 and ending in Exodus 32:23.

5760 (maroon letters on yellow)
The Hebrew year "5760" (tav-shin-samek), which runs from September 11, 1999, to September 29, 2000, is found at an ELS of -5 in Exodus 32:32. The final samek in "5760" is also shared with "Yasser."

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